
Leave University Jewish Chaplaincy a gift in your will

We ask you to consider your greatest gift today by planning for the future and including University Jewish Chaplaincy in your will.

Your legacy to University Jewish Chaplaincy will make a real difference to the lives of the students we support in our UK Universities.

Your legacy means student life lives on

  • Protect and promote a safe and happy Jewish life for every Jewish student – creating more awareness of Judaism on campus and among other faiths, fighting antisemitism when it happens and protecting Jewish students’ religious freedoms on campus.
  • Empower and inspire student-led activism and programming – by supporting Jewish societies in their activities and helping them to create the Jewish spaces and programming that they want on campus and helping to build student leadership.
  • Provide Jewish students – on whichever campus – access to a University Jewish Chaplain – increasing diversity of support for all students across the UK.
  • Deliver ongoing, non-judgemental welfare and pastoral care to all Jewish students – we signpost students to additional support when necessary and lend a listening ear when students are feeling lonely, homesick or anxious.
  • Offer a ‘home-away-from-home’ for all Jewish students – providing home hospitality over the Jewish Sabbath, religious festivals and during the week, creating a ‘home away from home’ space for students to relax in and meet other students. Also giving them access to hard to come by kosher provision.

Good for friends. Good for family. And good for charities like University Jewish Chaplaincy.

Registering with Bequeathed

Our partner, accredited legal firm Bequeathed, have created a dedicated page for University Jewish Chaplaincy suppoters to explore their legacies at https://www.bequeathed.org/UJC. Just register, complete the short online interview in your own time, and book an appointment to receive advice and your free will. You can also call them for a chat on 020 8191 0587 during working hours.

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