your child’s Jewish journey at university.
Watching your child go from secondary school to university can be a challenging transition for any parent. Your child will have new and different needs and there are new boundaries to consider.
We’ve asked our chaplains for their top tips for parents as they embark on this new stage.
1. Give you child space. They need time to develop themselves independently. It can be hard to watch them make mistakes, but they need that opportunity to learn and grow.
2. Be supportive and don’t criticise. Your child will be going through a lot, especially as they get used to a new environment. Having a listening – and uncritical – ear from their parents can help ease their transition.
3. Encourage your child to make contact with the Jewish chaplain when they get to uni and sign up at the JSoc. This will help ensure that they are kept up to date with events and will give them a great avenue to build new friendships. “Don’t wait for us to get in touch first or students may miss out on an enriching Jewish campus experience,” said one chaplain. “What’s more, if there is an issue and they’re on our radar we will then be able to lend a helping hand more easily.”
4. If you feel there is a serious issue with your child that needs to be addressed, chaplains are happy to speak with parents confidentially to discuss how they can help.
Please click here for the Board of Deputies Calendar of Jewish Festivals and Holidays
University Jewish Chaplaincy is there to enhance the Jewish journey of students in universities around the UK. Whether it’s a listening ear, educational programme, help with an official university matter or assistance in a time of crisis, we are there for your child.
Jewish Chaplaincy relies on the help of parents and student alumni like you to carry out our invaluable work. We rely solely on charitable donations and receive no funding from the government or universities.
Your donation will enable us to empower, protect, represent, learn with, support and help your children.

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